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In the short time since we received the devastating news that our mate Tyson Noyes had passed, there has been an incredible outpouring of emotion.

Many people will be hurting for a long time.

His mates, of which he had so many, will need our continued support to help them find their own way in coping with this loss.

Some people will need more time than others to grieve and some of you will crave the idea of returning to some structure and routine in your life as soon as possible.

Neither of these feelings are wrong. There is no right way to cope. There is no wrong way either


Our football club has now experienced the devastation of loss twice in a short space of time.

Although the circumstances may be different, the pain felt by family and friends is excruciating.


Please remember;

  • There is no rule book on how you should feel
  • There is no time frame that you should feel better
  • Grief is as individual as you are.
  • You are not alone, we are with you
  • Do what is right for you and watch out for each other
  • Be kind to others… we really need your support too.


If you need to talk to anyone please talk to someone;


If you’re not sure who you need to talk to, the people from within our club who can help direct you to the right services are;

  • Jack McDonald – 0430 130 520
  • Barry Jess – 0418 314 849
  • Barry Judge – 0421 541 807